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Solar Power Plant Project internship

Institute of Solar Technology (IST) is a leading PV Solar project design development training institute. After completion of the IST training, we provide 1 month Solar Power Plant Project internship.
This internship will provide valuable insights into the solar energy industry and the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the transition to a more sustainable energy future. Solar Internship Near Kollam Kerala

Purpose of the Program:
The purpose of the exchange students program is the promotion of academic and on field research information and joint research among all parties.

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Solar Scheme 2024: PM Narendra Modi की Suryodaya Yojana

PM Surya Ghar: scheme was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on February 15, 2024. The subsidy will cover up to 40% of the cost of the solar panels.

Average Monthly Electricity Consumption (units)|
Suitable Rooftop Solar Plant CapacitySubsidy Support
0-150 1-2 kW₹ 30,000/- to ₹ 60,000/-
150-3002-3 kW₹ 60,000/- to ₹ 78,000/-
> 300Above 3 kW₹ 78,000/-

Onsite Practical at Head Office Solar Power plant

Kerala Renewable Energy Policy

The policy was formed to develop, propagate and promote non‐conventional energy sources and exploit natural sources. It also aimed at developing eco‐friendly projects and decentralized power generation. The target aimed through policy is self-sufficiency. The Kerala Renewable Energy Policy was formulated based on the legal, financial and administrative framework for the promotion of investments in this sector. The renewable energy programs of MNRE are implemented in close coordination with State Nodal Agencies for renewable energy.
Kerala’s state electrical board has announced a new solar subsidy program for residents. People can get up to a 40% subsidy on rooftop solar panels under this program, and you will always earn at least twice the return on your investment.

As we all know, electricity prices are steadily rising, forcing us to rely on natural resources to meet our fundamental necessities.

Solar power may be used to generate electricity; all we need to do is place solar panels on rooftops and connect them to our main circuit board. There will be no electricity bill because these panels are subsidized by the government.

Policy to Promote Industrial Solar
Conditions: For LT (Low Tension) systems, the cumulative capacity of all solar systems installed in your region must not exceed 30% of distribution transformer capacity in your area, and for HT systems, it must not exceed 80%.

For Small & Micro Businesses
The energy consumption of this segment is more than Residential & Agricultural & lies up to 2000kW, so 200Kw solar solution is enough for it.

Policy to Promote Rooftop Solar
Kerala’s state electrical board has announced a new solar subsidy program for residents. People can get up to a 40% subsidy on rooftop solar panels under this program, and you will always earn at least twice the return on your investment.

The Future of Solar Energy considers only the two widely recognized classes of technologies for converting solar energy into electricity — photovoltaics (PV) and concentrated solar power (CSP), sometimes called solar thermal) — in their current and plausible future forms.

We concentrate on the use of grid-connected solar-powered generators to replace conventional sources of electricity. For the more than one billion people in the developing world who lack access to a reliable electric grid, the cost of small-scale PV generation is often outweighed by the very high value of access to electricity for lighting and charging mobile telephone and radio batteries. In addition, in some developing nations it may be economic to use solar generation to reduce reliance on imported oil, particularly if that oil must be moved by truck to remote generator sites.
Now, with solar photovoltaic technology becoming more and more affordable, scalable and accessible, that dream is getting closer to reality. This online course looks at solar PV in depth, examining its potential for today and the near future, exploring the technical challenges, and assessing the commercial opportunities. It offers you an unparalleled insight into the global solar power market, and will give you the knowledge and practical details to shape and lead the future of solar energy.

Discover the PV business and expand your professional options

PV Technology & Business Management - Business Course (Offline)

Why people say – IST Business Boosting Course?
We cover business opportunities in Residential, Public Sector, Commercial and Industry, how you will prepare your technical team to fulfill customer requirement? How can you offer optimum electric bill saving or increase money for your Residential, Public Sector, Commercial and Industry customer? Learn from Institute of Solar Technology. You will become good Rooftop Solar Business Developer – 100% grantee. See Detail Syllabus

Admission going on for Apr

Solar Project Design Master Course (Rooftop and Large solar system)

Solar Project design Master Course Huge job opportunity Solar Design engineer job

Search Solar Design Engineer Job
Solar Project Design Master Course: maximizes efficiency in the implementation of detailed project plans, keeping track of goals, tasks, resources, schedules, costs, and contingencies.This Course also enables to identify opportunities to reduce costs and minimize risk; develop systems to manage safety and quality assurance on site and also provide technical assistance to contractors, and report on progress to owners, project developers, and financial partners.

Admission going on for Apr - 2025

Outstanding Student Research Intern Award

Energy Materials Research Centre (EMRC), research unit of Global Advanced Training and Educational Trust, Institute of Solar Technology and Academy of EV Technology, offers a Student Research Internship Program for highly motivated high school, undergraduate, graduate and working professionals. Interns will work with and learn from a multi-disciplinary team of scientists, who include internationally-renowned investigators in the areas of renewable energy, PV Solar power, Energy storage battery, Lithium-ion battery, and community engagement.
The primary aim of the internship program is to train and prepare students interested in environmental science, green energy, and energy storage science to become future leaders in the green energy research.

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Professional Diploma in Renewable Energy Application

PV Solar Business Training

Admission going on for 2025 Session.
Last date of Admission 24th Oct 2024
1 Year Diploma program
Professional Diploma in Renewable Energy Application focusing on specialized and practical skills, professional diploma aim to make a student ready for the professional world. They are industry-focused and follow advanced curricula to meet high industry standards. Professional diploma only focuses on skill development, often leading to career growth or enhanced career opportunities.

A unique program provides an in-depth understanding of various fields including Solar, Wind, Hydrogen Energy.

The program also covers the recent topics as Smart Grid and Net Zero CO2 emission global target by 2050.

SR Technologist

Are you want to install solar at your home/office/factory? Yes, solar panels can be a good investment for homes, offices, and factories.

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Offline classroom class Apr - 2025 at Howrah (Kolkata), West Bengal

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What say IST Alumni

helpful lectures was on design, procurement, installation, panel and structure. its ok

- Kishor Mungelwar,
i3BI Energy (OPC) Pvt Ltd., Thane

IST, is one of best institute to learn, gain knowledge about solar field in best way. In this training Selection of material, estimation analysis etc. found helpful for my projects.

- Ekansh Jain,
Engineer and Graduate Apprentice Trainee at Power Mech Projects Limited and C.S.P.G.C.L. Madva

I could understand current situation of the Solar Industry and challenges of industry. Very good teaching method, covered Design, considering actual site assessment. Giving practical trends going in the market.

- Anand Krishnanath Deshpande,
GM, Cosmos Integrated Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Got a better understanding of PV Technology, received insights about the solar industry & market currently, was motivated to work in this field, overall good experience while putting the first step into solar technology

- Jigisha Mavlankar,


Solar Project Design Master Course is a very challenging and interesting course. The knowledge and skills that I have acquired through IST played a significant role in my achieving my position. The recruiting department of the firm I work for was quite impressed with the educational curriculum. Thank you IST! You have given me the opportunity of making my dreams of becoming a paralegal a reality.

North East Solar Associate
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